ImageI don’t know how I have done it but I am currently living on a farm for the summer.

It has kinda been a life dream of mine and has been on my bucket list for years.

It started when I was 10 and met an amish family. Also, think one time I saw a movie with Kristy Ally in it and she had to live on a farm and for what ever reason that really made me want to do the same. 

So yep thats right folks I am delighted to say that I am living on a full blown farm with barns, baby kittens, rusty old door knobs, chipping white paint, barns, and horses. We even set up an amazing studio here… lots of fruitful things coming from that too. 

It seems like yesterday that I was running around from photo shoot to Kickstarter meeting back in on my new turf in Brooklyn. Now that I think about it I have been on the road touring since May 19th and it is officially July 1st today. 

When you jump from the greatest city in the world to the road life it seems quite surreal. I mean I was waking up to the rattle of the subway and honking horns, now I wake up to birds chirping, crickets, and the sound of the very near rail road horn that wakes me up and puts me to sleep on these dewy nights.  life as a musician 

Life as a touring musician can feel like your living a life on the run. With minimal possessions to your name, a ring on your finger and a t-shirt with a pair of worn in blue jeans you begin to see life as it is, very simple.

When you don’t own much, and all you do is hustle the scene you find that learning to survive without the aid of major radio airplay and corporate financing becomes feasible. Well at least that is what the 40 days of our Kickstarter campaign taught me.

Day in and day out it felt like we were running a well oiled farm. There is always something to do and your job is never done even when you think it might be its not.

Navigating around such a technological lifestyle and fighting for what I believe in was the biggest hustle and statement piece I have ever made. Each day the campaign was being hustled.

If you were a fly on the wall you would have seen me sending out emails, messages, texts and more for 9 -15 hours straight each day everyday for 40 days. 

The massive success that we had came from  a combination of global networking in inviting fine folks from around the world to join us in making our campaign goal and them responding to our music by supporting us. From tears to laughter to jumping for joy when we not only reached our goal of 30K but exceeded the goal by almost 5K. 

The whole process re-emphasized the point that I was put on this earth to create. Create love, music, art, and even my new found scientific creation of crafting all natural deodorant in my kitchen ( yes it actually works, I know shocker right? I will share that with you soon). 

But back to the point I do all of this because I love being able to create things that help make people’s lives better and more enjoyable. Which now that I think about it is the point of pursuing ones passion.

We were all put here to do good and make the world a better place and what better way to do that than to use the gifts you have for cultivating a better world via using your talents and sharing them with anyone who is willing to try it, listen, watch, or use whatever it is you are doing. 

You can do it. Yes, it is scary, yes your risking a lot, and yes it is not the easy road to take yet their is something so gratifying and fulfilling from choosing to live the life you have dreamed of and yes you can do it. 

Shine ON from the farm 

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